Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Why I am not a Feminist

I'm a female, very motivated and self confident. I have always been this way, no one has ever needed to tell me that is the way that I needed to be.

So, I don't need to feminist movement to tell me that I matter, or that I am just as good as a male. Don't jump up and say that I am "reaping the benefits" of the feminist movement. There is nothing that the feminists have done that have affected me in any way, shape, or form.

I worked at UPS as my first real physically involved job. I was one of the best, and during the peak season the section supervisor would come find me and ask if I could help the guys that trailers had backed up so they could get sent out in time. I worked 2 trailers by myself that got some of the heaviest flows during peak season. I proved that I could handle it and never had but 1 mis-sort when I first started. No man ever asked me if I needed help lifting any bulk up, and if I needed help I would ask them.

Let me reiterate. I was the person that the guys went to when they needed a job done right.

Then I joined the military, another male dominated work force. No one make fun of me, and when I was in BCT, people (men and women alike) thought I was CID because nothing ever phased me (specifically the Drill sergeants yelling at people or insulting us). I shot better then most of the males and got a few compliments from the male and female drill sergeants. That's really rare to get a compliment or anything seemingly like a compliment from a woman drill sergeant - there is a specific image that they have to maintain of course.

Then I went to my first duty station and I excelled at all of the sections that I worked in. When I was transferred out of a mostly civilian driven section, they moved me back after the civilian pulled some strings - they liked the way I had everything organized and done. I got moved up to a start-up section that required the best that the unit had to offer in terms of problem solving skills and intellect. I got so good at my job that if there was a problem that needed to be fixed or some procedure streamlined, the boss would listen to be and the changes would happen.

No one has ever questioned my decisions, or thought that they were less then valid because of my gender. No one has ever repeated a suggestion of mine and had theirs accepted over mine.

So, in summation, I'm not a victim of male dominance. In my life, there is no version of "male dominance" - only human equality.

Talking about feminism...
Feminism is supposed to be about equality right? What about male domestic violence shelters? Who gets the better deal in divorce cases? Who often times gets sole custody of the children? If a woman slaps or punches a man, is her punishment lighter then a man that slaps or punches a woman? If you are a feminist, you can't use the excuse that the male deserves more punishment because they are bigger because, you know - they are all equals.

Just some food for thought.

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